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Nashville Fashion Week 2012: Day 2

My Nashville Fashion Week Day 2 should have looked like this:

 Eva Franco



Wai Ming

Zang Toi
(photo credit: NFW 2012)

...but instead, my Nashville Fashion Week Day 2 looked like this:

That's right. THAT is how sick and low I felt. I actually laid in bed and watched the 1990 horror show Kindergarten Cop. It was epically pitiful. (Is this pollen killing anybody else? I swear, I never had allergies until I moved to Nashville!)

I debated on whether to deal with it and go to NFW, but I figured it best to stay home and get some rest and not push myself to the brink of exhaustion, rendering me unable to attend the rest of the week. But I'm feeling so much better today and plan to be back (camera in hand, tissues in purse) at tonight's events. Day 3, here I come...