In the How to Know if You're a Songwriter
post I mentioned I would do a couple more music related posts, because
of how much music means to me. I really like doing these kind of posts
because they give you an insight into the person I really am, and all
the things that make up an average day in my life. I also really love
these posts because they give me the opportunity to connect with other
like-minded spirits and also to appreciate the diversity of
characteristics and characters that make up my devotee base. Much like
the previously mentioned post on being a songwriter, the things I list
below are just characteristics I've noticed in people who are/ want to
be music producers. So without further ado here is my list of ways to
know if you have music producer potential:
When you hear a song for the first time a video you have instantaneously created begins to play in your head.
You sometimes check up lyrics and analyze them for plot possibilities and video potential
You predict how well a song will do on the charts and at award shows.
You are always very interested in new musical talent.
You try to learn as much as you can about every aspect of music, constantly.
If you are in school you can probably be found taking widely different music and/ or dances classes at the same time.
When your friends invite you to karaoke you give them performance advice and sometimes critique their vocal quality.
You find audio engineering, music theory and even music history oddly fascinating.
You are always clued in with the latest innovations in technology and programming.
You manage crises well.
Business is not your foe.
You know what’s happening in the music industry as its happening in the industry.
After seeing a band perform for the first time you already know their image, style and genre.
Beats are constantly on the end of your finger tips.
You think life should have a soundtrack and may have created a few playlists for important events , describing them.
You know the names of all the top producers in the music industry.
When you hear about a music video for the first time you ask for the label/ producer not the artist
You love bringing music to life.
You critique videos that you see on TV (or youtube) and sometimes envision how you could have done it better.

appreciate all the different genres of music and sometimes draw
inspiration from two widely different genres, to create the next big
You know that songwriting and producing through social networking are two major ways to enter the industry.
try to create the perfect environment and medium to transfer the
emotional quality of the music from the artist to the audience.
You are always on the lookout for unexpectedly amazing collaborations between artists in the music industry.
are aware that music production is really tasking, and sometimes not as
glamorous as it’s made out to be but you love it anyway.
Photos from: http://intrepidsoprano.blogspot.com/
Love you all and Stay inspired,